Saturday, June 15, 2013

Movie Review: Man of a metal mangled mess

If there’s one lesson the Transformers franchise ought to have taught by now its that jaw dropping machine action and special effects alone never maketh a movie; you need more than that. Well, the Man of Steel, alien as he is doesn't seemed to have heeded that lesson and what was a highly anticipated expected blockbuster is really an unexpected mess of affairs.

Rather than telling a heart-warming and emotionally binding origin story of what some may call the one, true Superhero (refer Pulp Fiction), Man of Steel maintains an over-serious grim and grave outlook without really having much depth. In fact, the movie doesn't really settle in to tell a story. Its like the director was too keen to tell more than just an origin story or maybe he realized that his plot didn't hold much water so he ended up jamming every possible action sequence he could think of. Either way, what you get as the end product is a mish mash of scenes flitting between the past and the present, filled with an insane focus on action, never really allowing you to settle in to connect with either.

There is more than an overdose of explosions, buses driving off a bridge, one metal contraption ramming into another, shattering glass, toppling towers, loud noises and jarring sounds and Superman flying all over the place and into all sorts of things which unfortunately continues through the length of the movie. Things seem to get interesting in Nolan-esque fashion for just a moment after almost an hour and you are willing to forgive and forget as long as you can get treated to some real brilliance now. Unfortunately, that part too comes and goes like it was almost an after-thought and the mindless action resumes

The special effects themselves could otherwise be described as dazzlingly good, with high production credits but they are meant to support an otherwise powerful scene. When they themselves become the center-piece, there’s little one can appreciate.  The 3D is the equivalent of non-existent and the tiresome glasses, especially when they were not needed, don’t help matters. The writing, which ought to have been the real draw given that Nolan was a part of it seems to have resumed from Dark Knight Rises rather than The Dark Knight and ranges from being average to grimace worthy ( You are a monster and I am gonna kill you…really Mr. Nolan??) At this rate, I am beginning to wonder who really wrote the masterpiece that was The Dark Knight. As for Man of Steel, I think the best dialogues are all covered in the latest trailer itself

Christopher Reeve immortalized the erstwhile Superman franchise, and in some ways the franchise itself breathed new life into Reeve who became recognized largely for his cult character. Henry Cavill, to his credit does give all he can, to his shallow character and plays a credible Superman. Amy Adams whose Lois Lane is more than a passing mention in the plot, does full justice as well but at the end of the day, the Man of Steel’s very foundation is brittle and is unable to support the towering structure of a Superman movie

There is a wonderful little (Actually its not little, with nearly 10 seasons) TV series called Smallville. Watch it and you’ll realize how Superman would have liked his story to be told. Sure, it might seem a little childish to some but at least it has that raw emotion that one would like to associate with a superhero. A slightly darker version of that as the story progressed, coupled with some good writing would have been a good re-welcome to Superman

As it stands, Man of Steel is all metal and no substance. If they plan to make this a franchise, they better have something better in mind for the beloved superhero

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