Despite being an ardent Spiderman fan, this one originally did set the spidey sense tingling. After 3 different origin stories for 3 different Spidermen - I felt like the multi-verse is already established. On top of it, this one's animated and not even based on Peter Parker. Some guy called Miles Moran who I have no clue about. And yet, I wandered into the halls, that too into IMAX. Having seen it though, its a lesson that pre-conceived notions can be real dangerous. Had I listened to them, I might've swung past and missed out on a thrilling, original and refreshing treat.
Into the Spider-verse defines breaking new boundaries. It feels less like a movie and more like a comic book brought to life. In a sense, it redefines animation. Sometimes, its not even easy on the eyes and yet it doesn't feel out of place. The comic panel styling is simply too cool. The story itself, doesn't feel like a wearied re-hash of the known origin story. In fact, the movie is pretty conscious of its protagonist's elaborate history and makes quick work of its own re-telling. Rather, it lingers on some of the more interesting and fresh moments. The writing is great and the story runs (literally) at a frenetic pace. Much like the superhero himself, there is no time to catch a breath - this even when Miles hasn't discovered his spidey powers yet.
The plot is set amongst the most complex constructs yet. However, it doesn't harp on convincing you that this stuff is possible or even how it is achieved. A lot of peripheral stuff is simply assumed. The second half gets a little more goofy with too many 'Spider-men' from too many dimensions and the movie loses some of its steam. It does pick up quickly thereafter though and moves to a thrilling climax. The writing is classy and some of the lines are really witty. Its one of the few movies, where I actually wished there were subtitles, because am sure with its pace, I've still missed stuff.
I would however, recommend that you don't watch this one in IMAX. The 3D is less busting out of the screen and more on showing depth beyond the window screen. To put it simply, its hardly there and the giant screen that it is, magnifies every pixel of the artwork. Especially given the animation styling given to this movie, it can be too much magnification and I could often see entire rows of pixels bunched together, which was distracting. A lesser screen might actually give a fuller experience.
I would highly recommend you watch it though. If for nothing else, the audacity and boldness of vision and the kind of animation that translates on screen. I am actually hoping this starts off a new trend with more content being developed in this comic panel like format. Spiderman - Into the Spider-verse, breaks new ground with its new dimensions and singular animation style and is a hearty welcome back to a new, refreshing version of the webslinger. Don't miss it.