Saturday, July 23, 2016

Movie Review: Star Trek: Beyond…doesn’t really move the ‘enterprise’ forward

While titled ‘Beyond’ the only unknown frontiers this installment of the beloved franchise really explores are those in terms of physical space. Beyond that, there isn’t really much ‘beyond’ this time around. While Into Darkness, really gave a jumpstart to the whole franchise and primed you up for bigger things to come, Beyond – unlike its name actually just plays it safe rather than sorry. This isn’t really a bad thing – but don’t expect to come out all that exhilarated when you exit the hall roughly two hours later.

There is a line that comes right in the beginning as James T Kirk narrates – Things have become rather episodic – and this is exactly how this installment plays out. It looks and feels more like another adventure for the crew of the starship enterprise as part of a TV series rather than a giant leap forward in terms of the franchise as a whole. The visual effects continue to raise the bar though and you will be treated to some great action – but in terms of content – it’s a been there, done that kind of story.

JJ Abrams thrilled with his vision for the franchise, as evidenced in the origin story and taken to a whole new level with ‘Into Darkness’ . With Beyond, his absence and the presence of Justin Lin (director of The Fast and Furious 3-6) is all too obvious. The action is more gravity defying (which actually suits this franchise better than it did The Fast and the Furious series, being set in space) but it is all too familiar and doesn’t reinvent itself. There is the emotional chord here and there, but it looks more like a temporary coating on the surface, than a genuinely deep set core – not unlike the Fast and the Furious franchise.

Its not bad for a thrill ride, mind you and very much a comfortable watch. Its just that with the high standards set by Into Darkness, one expected the next one to dive even deeper into the franchise and bring new highs. Instead, don’t be surprised if you feel the need to stifle a yawn as you watch the proceedings. Humor, while very much a feature previously, is surprisingly frugal this time around.

What makes matter worse is the laughably shallow antagonist against the intriguing and formidable Khan from Into Darkness. So pitiable is the villain’s characterization that you almost feel sorry for him to be given such little thought and wish he could find a more solid identity for himself as the movie plays out. Much like Bane from Rises, he relies on brawn rather than brain to make an impact..and in much the same way, it doesn’t work.

Acting was never really a key requirement for the franchise, and it is even lesser the case this time around. Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto had to show more versatility with the previous installment with their character than they need to this time around. Other members of the cast play their part as well and while they take ownership of what is expected – none of them were never really challenged to begin with.

If I sound disappointed well, its because I am – not so much with what Beyond has to offer, but more with the direction the franchise seems to be taking. The last thing I want is for this to become the Fast and Furious: Space Adventure edition than the intriguing and exciting journey of those explorers of space boldly going where no man has gone before.

The ‘enterprise’ deserves better.
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