This one almost seemed a no brainer. With Tom Hanks in the lead and the veteran Steven Spielberg directing it was a foregone conclusion that this was going to be good. The only question now good..
However, as the movie began and leaning into the first 40 minutes or so you suddenly weren't so sure. After the thrilling opening sequence, the movie slows down to such an extent that one begins to have doubts. In fact, unless you really took a keen interest in the proceedings you could even be excused of wanting to snooze every now and then. However, you can easily cast aside these concerns.
That's because Bridge of Spies is well and truly a director's movie. He has paced it the way he wants you to experience it. if you still have doubts just watch the way a plane crashes and shots are fired to be assured that this director knows what he's doing. I better not say any more at this point.
You can't plan to watch Bridge of Spies hoping for a thriller - with tense car chases, cross and double cross, espionage, mystery and intrigue at every turn.Bridge of Spies is none of the above. It has a unique storyline, a context that takes some connecting to and a tone and subtlety that not all will appreciate. Like a mature wine of a particular vintage it takes a true connoisseur to appreciate the richness of its texture.
Tom Hanks pulls off a relatively easier character, given his acting talent, with a wonderfully restrained performance. A special word of mention to Mark Rylance who makes his presence felt despite the much shorter air time.
Bridge of Spies is not a must watch for all. However for the few who can appreciate it, it will certainly feature very high in that list. Go find out if it manages to make a connect with you.