In and of itself, Rogue Nation is a perfectly acceptable action movie. However, when this is the Mission Impossible franchise we are talking about, that isn’t nearly enough.
Up to around the half way mark in the movie, the plot builds with a natural flow and whatever action there is, is done well. Then inexplicably there are plot jumps to situations and developments with holes that you could drive a four by four through. Some of the stuff is downright amateurish with less than thrilling use of masks, and the indestructible phenomenon that is Ethan Hunt. With 4 movies under its belt ranging from supremely entertaining to moderately thought through, one would hope that there was a little more thought given to those sequences.
To appreciate the action in this movie you have to watch it in IMAX. That’s the only way you will recognize and applaud the high quality cinematography, especially during the chase sequences that really set the pulse racing. The much publicized airplane scene is something of a missed opportunity – while it holds your attention, its place in the overall plotline could’ve been better. The jump, that is again characteristic of the franchise, is also there but this time, it isn't as exciting - I wouldn't really hold my breath for it.
The big issue is that, there needs to be that tension and excitement, those jaw dropping moments that are characteristic of the Mission Impossible franchise and those quite simply and sadly, just aren’t there. Also, the movie isn’t clear what context it wants to set – get rid of the fancy stuff and show just basic action done well (like the 4th one) or use all sorts of fancy gadgetry to retain the super spy angle (2nd and 3rd installment)
What Mission Impossible 5 gets dead on target is the absolutely arresting presence of Rebecca Ferguson and her very complex character. Mr. Hunt almost gets relegated to the sidelines once she is in the frame – and when that’s Tom Cruise, its not an easy stunt to pull off. However Ferguson does that with consummate ease and every time she glides in and out of frames, she captures your attention. As for Cruise, his age had begun to show in the 4th installment itself, so the fact that he can pull off a convincing act in this 5th installment is a marvel all by itself. The movie tries to retain the subtle humor that was a refreshing addition to the last one, and though its not as successful, still provides a few chuckles
Mission Impossible has been a franchise that has always had that spark that went down to the wire and stood for explosive and jaw dropping action and has done so fairly consistently as well. While Rogue Nation still shows you a good time, it seems to be on its last sticks of dynamite and one wonders if there are any more ‘impossibilities’ left for it to explore. As for this one, go for it, only in IMAX but keep the expectations low this time around.