I know this blog title looks very generic. Truth be told I would’ve ideally liked to add one word before ‘love’ in that title. However, doing that would reveal far more than I would like, so we’ll just have to do with how it stands, for now
While its not the kinds to celebrate the festive spirit as Rise of the Guardians did, about the same time last year, Frozen has plenty of spirit of its own. In fact, Frozen brings back memories of other Disney classics – the fairytale stories of handsome princes and pretty princesses, singing and dancing throughout the narrative. Disney is determined to get its age-old formula to work its magic yet again and that is apparent even much before Frozen actually begins
Before the movie starts you are treated to a superlative Mickey Mouse animation short, presented in a Hugo-istic manner (never thought that would become a phrase of its own) beautifully melding the classic black and white comics in Walt Disney’s own voice as Mickey Mouse alongwith high quality 3D characters that jump out of the original canvas and draw you in. The message from Disney is clear – the formula with a slight tweak that adds to the delight – so is the case with the movie as well
Frozen starts off much like its last year’s presentation Brave. A fast paced narrative with a lot of things happening in the first 20 minutes itself. Of course, with 3 songs to accompany as well (I started dreading a repeat of the Ram Leela debacle) and not being a fan of musicals as such, my first impulse was to leave then and there. In this case though, I am glad I stayed on
Ice has never looked as pretty as it does in Frozen. The 3D is there but not really emphasized on except for the falling snowflakes and snow storms as the narrative progresses. However, its the story and the crisp animation that hold your attention. That and the wonderful character of Olaf the Snowman are the real draws of the movie. Some twists delight while others seem too far-fetched but its refreshing to see such originality from Disney as such. While you may not agree with me for the most part, I am sure you will once you exit the hall. I am not saying anything further..
All the regular boxes are ticked of course, voice acting is great, animation and effects are top class and barring the 3D everything else shines like a pretty snowflake
To put it in perspective then, while its not ‘the first time in forever’ that Disney gets it right, with Bullett Raja and other ordinary fare as the alternative, I’d say you ‘don’t let go’ of this one and see if it melts your ‘frozen’ heart