Django Unchained heralds the arrival of the ‘southerner’. You’ll get the full import of those words only once you watch the movie though and watch it you must. I haven’t been a great Tarantino fan. But Django Unchained tells me exactly why he deserves every bit of the adulation and respect that he gets if not more. If you don’t catch Django in the hall there is a rare piece of high quality cinema you are clearly missing
Despite his obsession with blood and gore still being clearly visible (some would call it his trademark and signature) with Django Unchained, Tarantino goes beyond and gives a lesson in superlative film-making. Beautiful cinematic shots, top notch writing, excellent use of background score and music, pacing of the scenes and then the directorial touches – the spray of red on white flowers, the sudden action when none was expected, the celebration of the hero and his arrival – Tarantino stamps his authority all over the movie with considerable aplomb. There is almost a sense of symphony that Tarantino manages amidst all the blood splatter and gunfire, holding your attention all throughout
As the icing on the cake, performances are absolutely top notch. Relatively speaking, Christoph Waltz and Jamie Foxx are in sparkling form making an unlikely but very promising partnership. Leonardo di Capricio comes in well into the second half but is menacing in his portrayal only to be outdone by a barely recognizable Sameul L Jackson. All in all, the stellar starcast delivers its value in solid gold so no complaints there either
If you have to complain (and only if you must) you could talk of the rather extended runtime seeing that it runs for what would be a rather painful 165 minutes. Especially since this includes a rather extended 20 minutes when all could have been wrapped up earlier but now as I reflect on it I realize that cutting out any scene would have robbed this gem of at least some of its sheen..I wouldn't change anything.
If you are not a fan of the rather dying form of movies known as westerners till date, this movie might well make you one. I can think of absolutely no reason not to recommend you watching this one, (unless you’ve got three little dimples in your skull in the area of stupidity, maybe :P) so go book your tickets today before Django rides off into the sunset