I must admit it. When I first saw the trailers of this multi-superhero, modern-age Justice League, I was pretty skeptical. Considering it had Thor, Captain America, Hulk – whose individual movies have been pretty unimpressive – with Iron Man being the only saving grace, I wasn’t sure what the lot of them could do together that would be any greater. Well..I was wrong
The Avengers is an awesome thrill ride and probably the most fun you can have while watching a superhero movie. Watching this movie tells you exactly what good writing, great dialogues, understanding of individual characters can do. The writing is near-brilliant with more than generous doses of humor thrown in. There are some dialogues that are trite and cheesy but thankfully those are few and far between. In fact, this is one of the few superhero movies that actually focus on dialogues between the characters, builds tension through the conversations/ arguments and makes it an integral part of the presentation
The movie takes its time. The way it builds up you can be sure that the director is in no hurry to get to the end – which works perfectly. The plot is pretty ordinary – typical superhero – end of the world kind of stuff but the presentation is exquisite. This movie makes The Hulk more endearing than the two standalone movies given to him and is probably the only movie that has managed to present The Hulk the right way. The same can be said about the other characters as well
For a change, the 3D is pretty good too and while there is nothing Avatar-esque about it, there’s plenty of flying and shooting about, to give the 3D experience. As far as the acting goes, Robert Downey Jr. takes the cake with amazing screen presence and the extremely charismatic Tony Stark breathes life into the movie. In ‘stark’ contrast though, is Mr. Captain America who even as a superhero seems like a complete misfit and Chris Evans doesn’t manage to lift the character one bit. If there is to be an Avengers 2 (and I dearly hope there would be) then they might want to re-think Captain America’s presence altogether.
While the build up’s good, the climax is even better. A stumbling point for many other superhero movies, the Avengers gets full marks in this department as well. Despite the 3D one can actually follow the action, to the T and there are plenty of thrills to be had before its all over
So all in all, The Avengers might just be the most fun you can have this season, so book your tickets if you haven’t already