I can imagine the look on your faces as you read that title. You might be scoffing by now – ya right, raises animation standards..as if there’s any further they could go, you would say – and I couldn’t blame you…The quality of animation movies has risen higher and higher with every new offering, whether its Dreamworks or Pixar, over what has been a very steep learning curve. Yet, just when you thought they couldn’t take you any further..Rise of the Guardians ‘rises’ to the occasion and you couldn’t ask for a better way to truly celebrate the festive spirit – this holiday season
Clocking at a very comfortable 97 minutes Rise of the Guardians packs in enough action in a very unconventional premise with visuals that simply dazzle. From the flakes of snow, to the magical dust of dreams and the dark wisps of nightmares - its all there to spin a story of its own. The fact that this is all in 3D makes it just picture perfect. The characters are memorable and sure to awaken your long lost childhood. The philosophical angle to the movie is simple yet subtle allowing you to spend more time on the adventure as it unfolds. The voice acting is good as always. The humor is subtle yet you are bound to laugh out loud on a couple of occasions.
If I had to complain (and I’ll have to try really hard to do that) I’d say that the story progression is quite predictable but then I’d have to be Grinch to be watching this movie with that view. My only concern is that while this is a movie made for children for sure, the villain is quite sinister, dark and dreary, so it might unintentionally be a little scary for some
Still I’d say its worth the risk since the heroes, or guardians as I should call them, provide enough spark and merriment to chase away those bad dreams and its wonderful to just watch them spread the magic. And you, grown-ups, as you walk away from the halls after the credits..just give it some thought..why was this movie called Rise of the Guardian(s)..and you’ll have your money’s worth