Sunday, January 23, 2011

Movie Review: Dhobi Ghat: Mumbai Diaries - Painstakingly slow...

Eagerly awaited but pretty much disappointed, is probably the best way to sum up Dhobi Ghat: Mumbai Diaries. Given all the mystique and curiosity generated through the promos that gave away precious little, expectations had risen to quite an extent even before walking into the movie hall. Little did one know that the reason the promos were like that is that there is actually precious little that the movie has to offer

Half an hour into the movie and you still wait for it to pick up pace but alas! that wait is to continue forever...or at least till the last 15 mins which are really the most engaging part of the movie. Just when you begin to feel that things are finally getting a move along, you see the ending credits roll in and shock and disbelief abound.

Don't get me wrong. There is some depth to the scenes and characters in the movie and some very subtle messages..perhaps even too subtle. However, the painful pace of the movie drives away any interest you may have towards analyzing the movie or the message it wants to convey. Frankly, Dhobi Ghat comes across more as a well narrated book than a movie altogether. The actors all do justice to their characters despite a few newbies in the picture. Aamir Khan's character doesn't demand much from him given the repertoire of skills he has to offer and delivers his role with finesse. Especially, the last 15 minutes when he has a horrific realization, you get to see vintage Aamir, but other than, there's not much that causes him to put in an effort.

Interestingly, despite its slow pace and your constant frustration while watching the frames move at a painstaking rate, you still would have a tendency to think about the movie and what it tries to portray as you come out of the movie hall. At least while watching, one wouldn't expect that to happen

For those who like slow, art movies this may be acceptable movie fare but if you are looking for something that truly has a knockout punch? - Well, I guess you'll have to wait a little longer
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