Sunday, May 23, 2010

Movie Review: Kites..Yikes!!!

Genre: Romance/ Drama/ Action

Starring: Hrithik Roshan, Barbara Mori, Nicholas Brown, Anand Tiwari, Kiran Bedi, Kangana Ranaut
At the outset I would like to thank Mr. Masand, Anuradha Chopra and the rest of the reputed film critic elitists, for having given such generous reviews to such a disastrous film - it gives me the opportunity to pen my few words and make this post worth much more of a read than if I were just agreeing to their take on it.

About the movie, I can tell you plain and simple - don't watch it!! Not in the hall and if you have really nothing better to do when the DVD arrives, you can catch a peek but you won't miss much even if you miss it. I say this with quite a heavy heart though, since I myself had much expectations from what was touted to be the successor to 3 idiots (even the thought causes anguish). All this talk of the movie being a brave attempt to extend the boundaries of a typical Bollywood movie is pure balderdash and I can't for the life of me understand why the established film critics are so desparate to give this movie a chance.

Sure the Hritik-Barbara pair sizzle on the screen and the chemistry is quite obvious in each frame but the movie needs to be supported by a plot line which simply isn't there. While you sit and watch one disjointed scene follow another, random car chases and action sequences, you can't help but wonder of what could have been!! Two strangers, neither speaks the others language share an invisible bond that attracts them towards each other despite the risks and dangers of doing so. Top it up with the fact that they are both otherwise, street-smart hustlers who are only looking for a way to get rich overnight and not your reflective and emotional couple who would otherwise believe that love is beyond boundaries. The possibilities were simply endless...the constant conflict that each found themselves in, could have been so wonderfully captured, wherein the audience gets to see each, slowly but reluctantly follow their heart to unite despite the dangers fraught with doing so. No, instead you get to see, a mish mash of sequences roughly put together..random bank chases...constant bickering between Barbara and Hritik..yet somehow, somewhere there is supposed to undeniably, be love underneath it all. One moment they are worrying about survival while in the very next they manage to steal lots of money and are singing and dancing about it. The constant flashback mode (read Memento, I probably shouldn't bring up the name of such a masterpiece to this drivel) only succeeds in confusing the audience further and half the time wondering what sequence is actually supposed to be present-day!!

What saves this movie (at least attempts to do so) is the way it has been shot..breath taking landscapes and amazing camera work are probably the best takeaway from Kites.

It pains me to think that some director in Hollywood actually thought that this movie was worth making an English version of..Bollywood could easily have had a better advertisement than this farce.

If after all this, you still feel this movie is worth it..well, its your money..I'd ask for a refund if I could...

Movie Review: Not all that Bad - maash Company

Genre: Action/ Crime/ Comedy
Starring: Shahid Kapur, Anushka Sharma, Meiyang Chang and Vir Das

I know this review comes in late but for those of you who have avoided this movie, based on the blasting it got from the critics (read Masand, Anuradha and Co.), I do believe that the movie's not all that bad as they've made it sound.

What's really done this movie in, is the way it has been publicised. I think the teasers and trailers before the movie gave the wrong idea and expectations were sky high before people walked into the movie hall. When one reads the tagline say 'They did all the wrong things....the right way!!' the images the mind conjures up are those of an Ocean-like crew (read Oceans 11) who's got it all figured out and is able to pull off smart heists and get away with it all. On that count, the movie certainly doesn't deliver.Far from it...

Its your average movie with a simple plot line..a boy genius who comes up with an idea to make money by using loopholes in the system and is able to pull it off with the help of his close friends. Once the idea works they replicate the same idea over and over again to make a lot of money...until the success goes to the boy-genius's head and he starts considering himself better and bigger than his friends..its not a novel plot line but it has been executed stylishly and in a manner where u don't impatiently look at the watch and wonder how much of this you would need to endure further..the first half passes in quite a breeze and though the second half tends to drag a tad too long, the movie has its heart in the right place. The transformation of the boy-genius (played by Shahid Kapoor) from a sincere yet ambitious lad to an arrogant and rude guy is nicely done. Each of the characters in the story are well crafted and given adequate screen time to be understood by the audience. The heist itself though is not highly convincing and seems a little too easy to pull off. One disappointing factor is that there are no major twists and turns as the story develops which is characteristic of such heist movies. Another disappointment is the practical absence of humor (another critical ingredient of such movies) other than one scene in the beginning which is guaranteed to have you burst out laughing.
Decent performance by Shahid Kapoor who takes up most of the screen time and the supporting actors also play their part well. All in all a fairly watchable film but strictly a one-time watch

Sunday, May 9, 2010


When I first start writing this blog I practically vowed that this would not be just another 'movie- review' blog. That it would have articles related to actual incidents/issues/thought provoking stuff that's happening in the world or rather, my take on it.
However, dismayed as I am by the quality of reviews of our 'so-called' movie critics that are meant to act as the beacon of light and potential soothsayers for the latest movies to hit the silver screen, I believe it would be a disservice to the general public if they were forced to run with the farce that these critics have come up with lately

I'll try, to the extent possible, not to give away too much of the story, especially for movies that I think are worth a watch, can't promise a lot in that respect. However, what I do assure you, is a sincere and honest opinion of the average cine-goer...not reviews based on technical perfection..amazing screenplay...great editing per se...but rather the overall movie going here goes

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