Just scanning through the newspapers today, and for the ignorant ones I'll have you know that all it talks about is Sanjay Dutt and his six years in the prison. The latest, in a series of protests comes from none other than the Bollywood fraternity itself, taking the form of an online petition for reducing his sentence. What am wondering is, which part of the story have these people forgotten: the Aesop's fables told to children at bedtime about what justice means and how important it is to be sincere and just? What Dutt did? What was he accused of? What this sentence is for? What???
For as far as I can see, its a simple point - U commit a crime, you pay the price - No partialities, no preferential treatment. Don't get me wrong here, am a big Munnabhai fan myself and am not the happiest knowing that he won't be acting for the next six years but I do have peace of mind, that for once - justice has been served.
Despite all the tombfoolery and skulldaggery that happens in our esteemed Judicial department, this is one case where the judge has stuck to his guns and been fair in his approach. The common man of India is perhaps, jolted that a sentence was announced in the first place. Looking at how people manage to get away with crimes as long as they have power and the means (don't get me started on the long list of politicians, bureaucrats et al) it was a big surprise that this case was dealt with at all.
Look, all I am trying to say is Dutt is being punished for a crime, not for being a criminal - there's a huge difference, try and recognise that. Don't over-sympathise with him and try to reduce his sentence. Good decisions are rare in our Judicial system, let this one be. It will hopefully pave the way for other judges to be as bold and sincere in their approach as this one has been - don't thwart this attempt. If you need more convincing, think of all those unfortunate many, who also wished to make amends but probably did not have the means and so chose the next best path to show they are sorry - by spending time in jail. Don't let their attempt to go in vain.
Sanjay Dutt today has an iconic status in the country, beyond doubt. Six years isn't going to change any of that. However, reducing his sentence would mean a failure of the justice department and a loss in belief (what little is left) of millions in our judicial system.
So just let this decision lie at where it is and for once, let justice prevail.